The Sovereign CEO Blog

You vs AI

Jul 20, 2024

So many people are using AI these days (the good guys, the trolls, the Russian troll farms and sneaky teenagers in highschool trying to get their papers done faster). 


It’s increasing the speed at which people can increase the amount of content that they produce. I don’t think my audience is particularly worried about being replaced by AI, but I do think it’s something to pay attention to. It’s actually highlighting something good for me that I teach my community all day long. 


People buy from people and people want to learn from humans. 


There’s a reason why people will pay big money to hire a coach, invest in a mastermind or attend a live webinar but won’t download the free ebook or purchase, AND apply the concepts in, a $20 book. 


We are meant to be connected with real life humans. 


CHATGPT might be giving people some easy answers and great material, but no one really cares. They want to hear it from a person. A person they know-like-and trust. 


I actually love tech tools and I use AI, but I only use it as a helper. I use it to help me enhance my own creativity, spark idea generation and to help me stay focused. These tools are actually pretty awesome but simply copy and pasting AI generated ideas won’t grow your business and brand.


This will πŸ‘‡.


Build an Authentic Personal Brand


I teach authentic personal branding because it's how you’ll set yourself apart from the competition (and the robots). It’s important that you show your interests, your life, your personality and your stories. It’s not about just posting whatever you feel like…’s about being intentional with your marketing, so your ideal clients know your value system, who you are deep down to your core and why that matters when they want to work with you. 


As more and more people use AI, the ones that will stand out and continue to grow their businesses will be the ones who understand the power of personal branding. The ones that stand out will be the ones that are showing who they really are and connecting with other humans with their relatable stories and ways of being. 


After working with hundreds of entrepreneurs I’ve seen this again and again…


Most business owners don’t know HOW to incorporate themselves into their brand.


πŸ‘‰πŸΌ They’re hiding from it, in most cases, thinking they can avoid showing their face in their brand, or its better if they don’t.


πŸ‘‰πŸΌ They think no one cares about their personal life or worry that if they show “the real them” people won’t like them and their business.


πŸ‘‰πŸΌ They don’t know what aspects of themselves to show so they show too little…or too much and they do it inconsistently.


And take a deep breath because the best part get to choose. You don’t have to talk about your trauma, show your kids, or talk about your latest bout of diarrhea and new affiliate link for pepto bismol (you can and it might actually work for you, but you don’t have to).


Your personal brand is a mix of who you are and what you do. Your values, your personality, your humanness and the solutions that you offer to the world. My unique skill is in helping you narrow that down to 4 key pillars and using that place to create an abundance of unique content from those pillars. 

Fine Tune Your Niche Content 


Your Content Matters.


It's not “just social media.”


Your content is your wisdom. It’s you articulating what you do and how you do it. It’s your unique insights, stories, lessons, templates, processes and methods. Good content is all about “show not tell.”  It’s you SHOWING people what you can do for them…..not just talking about it.


Your content helps you build a community and audience around who you are at your core (how cool is that?). 


The problem is most people make fast food content. They pour their heart and soul into their online program, coaching group or product, then head to instagram, grab a trending audio, lip sync a trending audio hoping to scrape some likes and follows then call it good. 


I notice that most get caught up in the likes and follows and that fast food content might get you that but likes and follows are only 1 tiny aspect of a good marketing strategy. I’ve worked with many brands and accounts now with audiences of 100k+ who became masterful at creating content that grows their audience, but none of that was able to be monetized.  


Your content is a snapshot of your work. Take it to the next level. 


🌟 You want to understand the different types of content and what they can do for your business. Some content is meant for audience growth, some for connection, some for conversion, some to establish you as the authority (all of it needs to be in the strategy).


🌟 You want to find YOUR unique content that lives at the intersection of your four core brand pillars and pair that with unique storytelling and your personality. 


🌟 You want to become masterful at talking about less. Then take those topics and expand upon them.


🌟 After you’ve landed this new messaging, it’s time to learn how to mass distribute your message to multiple platforms. 


P.S. Creative entrepreneurs, I see you and can almost hear you in the background right now - you don’t want to talk about “less things” you are multi passionate!!!!


I’m not trying to put you in a box, I’m here to tell you that being essential in your messaging will help you:


πŸš€ Become known for something.


πŸš€ Establishes you as a thought leader.


πŸš€ Help you build templates and blueprints for your own work as you get better and better at talking about your “thing”.


πŸš€ Become MORE creative as you funnel and direct your creativity into less, creating new pathways for you to expand on ideas.


Do this well and you will build a community around your content. This community will help you grow when you focus on your authentic personal brand, and on content that establishes you as the authority that helps people in a significant way. 


You will make content that really helps people, it won’t just entertain them, and you will become known for that. 


Leverage Your Community for Your Business 


The hard truth is that you don’t own social media. You are vulnerable if you just create for the gram. Your account could be deleted at any time, your views are limited (whether you’re controversial or not) and the algorithm is always changing.


Your marketing strategy should be algorithm proofing your business. 


Building your community on social media is step 1. You should start an email list the day you start your business. It’s ok if you don’t have a strategy or time to really nurture that yet but I want to stress that once you have time and have figured out what core things you’re going to talk about…you need a newsletter to serve your audience behind the scenes. 


Start with 1 newsletter a week where you serve up a story and something that people can use that is helpful. What can you talk about that can really help someone out? What tools and templates can you share with your audience? What extra special content can you gift to your newsletter community. 


You want to serve, serve, serve…then sell. 


When you’re ready to launch an offer you now have an engaged audience ready for it. You can use platforms like mailchimp, convertkit, kajabi and flowdesk to automate sales sequences for you which will be massively helpful for your business one day. 


When you have automated sales sequences and an offer (free or paid) all you have to do then is make social media content that plugs your newsletter. Most entrepreneurs have this backwards. They’re constantly creating for social media. Create pivotal content like blogs, newsletters and podcasts and then take clips and snapshots for social media. 


I make a ton of free offers and valuable content that I dish out every single week. My team and I are focused on creating helpful templates, free webinars and trainings and we are using our sales sequences attached to them to funnel people off social media and into our private communities where I can help them even more with tools and strategies that they can use to build their businesses and brand. 


Tech can help you build your business, but you want to use tech as the assistant to your beautiful brain. Put in the time to establish your brand and create clear content pillars for yourself. Practice the art of writing and speaking and become masterful at less. THEN use those AI robots to help you mass produce and distribute your content when you have time and you’ve mastered these foundational skills. 


We can talk about that later, but in the meantime, I want you to know that you are a creative genius. Don’t let AI or the dopamine hit of fast food content steal that from you. The more time you spend writing and creating and fine tuning your message, the more intelligent you’ll become. The biggest danger of social media and AI is it will make people less creative over time if they allow it to do the creating for them. Don’t let that happen. Use this process to build an online empire and enhance your creativity instead. 


That’s all for today! Hope you found something helpful there that will help you WIN at life and business. Make sure to tag me @karlajoytreadway on instagram if you’re putting any of these tools into action, and DM me your questions about this article, I’d love to hear what you’re working on. 


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

#1: Ready to grow your personal brand and establish your core niche content that will 10x your revenue like I did? Book a discovery call here.


#2: Have you seen my new YOUTUBE Channel?!?!?  I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable content that I think you'll like including brave bold conversations with freedom minded entrepreneurs. Come check out my latest stuff here and subscribe and follow.


#3: Build your business and brand inside The Sovereign CEO Academy. Weekly live coaching, an epic online course, tools, templates, prompts and an online community of freedom minded entrepreneurs just like you. Come check us out.


**#4: Listen to The Sovereign CEO Podcast on the go for more conversations about business, branding, politics and all things freedom. 


Karla Joy Treadway 


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